
Summer Update (0.150): Patch Notes (July 9, 2024)

Eyes up, Pilots! Check out these patch notes for the new War Robots: Frontiers build ahead of time, which will be available following a period of maintenance on July 9, 2024.


  • Robodex: The Robodex is a new library of all the standard factory Robot Builds available in-game where you can easily manage all your preset Builds and move them directly to your Garage.
  • Workshop: The Workshop is an additional Constructor section. Pilots can create and plan Builds without requiring a Garage slot. Once a Robot is completed in the Workshop, it can be saved to the Robodex for later use.
  • Classes: All parts now belong to specific Classes to help Pilots better identify the strengths and weaknesses of their abilities, weapons, and Builds, and create Robots that match their preferred playstyles.
  • Redesigned Robots:
    • Ares
    • Phantom
  • New Ability:
    • Tension Link
  • New Weapons:
    • Trident
    • Fowler
  • Added new customizations to Offers and Progression.


  • Expanded matchmaking for beginners up to Level 7 (was Level 6), when Titans now unlock.
  • The starting Robot Drop Team has been changed.
  • New Tutorial Contracts for beginners designed for the new starting Robot Drop Team.
  • Added three new tutorials - Robodex, Workshop, and Mixed Classes.
  • Added a cutscene at the start of the Tutorial map.


  • The rates of obtaining Credits and Salvage have been adjusted.
  • Prices for Daily Deals adjusted.
    • All Torso prices have been increased based on the new rates at which Credits can be obtained.
    • All other Daily Deal items require roughly the same amount of games to obtain as they did previously.
  • The cost of Upgrades has been reduced.
  • Pilots can now be sold for Credits.


  • Siren’s Ability (Glacial): Added AOE damage to the Ability when the projectile hits.
  • Grim’s Ability (Scythe): The Ability's debuff to slow down the enemy upon impact has been removed.
  • Player progression rewards have been updated:
    • Players will retain any previously unlocked older rewards.
    • Players will be sent any new Blueprints or Cosmetics already unlocked. 
  • The rarities of some Weapons and cosmetics have been adjusted.
  • Spotlight is now an Ability that can be installed on any Robot.
  • Umbrella is now an Ability that can be installed on any Robot.

Note: All Garages will be reset. Due to balancing changes, some Builds may no longer be viable for battle. Your saved preset Builds will be transferred to the new Robodex.


  • Added new music to the Garage.
  • Added unique music for each Map at the start and end of the battle.
  • Added new voice lines and subtitles for Pilots.
  • Added new APP-M3TER voice lines during the Tutorial.
  • Improved audio notifications when Robots are taking damage.
  • Made various improvements to the sound effects of firing and reloads, as well as hits from energy weapons for the following weapons:
    • Pulsar
    • Zeus
    • Shredder
    • Punisher
    • Quantum
    • Dragoon
    • Thunder
  • Improved the sound effects related to Robot movements.
  • Improved the UI sounds in the Constructor/Workshop menus.


  • Bots have learned to use pings and respond to pings from allies.
  • The Bots have learned to pick up Power-Ups.
  • Bots will avoid dangerous conditions, such as lava.
  • Bots can now choose between aggressively pursuing the enemy or completing battle objectives.
  • Improved navigation of Bots on Maps.


  • Updated visuals of all Maps:
    • Added additional light scenarios and improved lighting.
  • Updated spawn positions on all Maps.
  • The positions of spawns in the Team Deathmatch mode of the Spectrum Map have been changed.
  • Updated a list of Robot Classes at the Firing range.
  • Small destructible items are now destroyed correctly when crushed or fired at.


  • New take-off, flight, and landing animations.
  • Numerous minor improvements and improvements to old animations.
  • Improved quality of various visual effects.
  • Reworked the visual effect of the jet exhausts.
  • Added a new Robot landing effect.
  • Added new visual effects for projectiles impacting stone.
  • Variations of kinetic impacts have been created for all surfaces.
  • The Deadlight effect has been reworked to make it clear that the beam pierces the entire Map.
  • Added an effect to the Fuel Reserve Ability.
  • Minefield VFX is now blue for allies and red for enemies.
  • Healing Drone VFX appears green for allies and redder for enemies.
  • Spotlight VFX appears blue for allies and red for enemies.
  • Optimized various visual effects.


  • Offers improvements:
    • Improved navigation in the Shop.
    • Detailed info on each offer in the Shop.
    • Post-purchase menu.
    • UI Notifications: Newly acquired content.
  • The button for entering the Firing Range was made more visible.
  • Updated art and effects for Pilot Talents.
  • Improved Pre-Combat Spawn Map.
  • Updated currency icons.
  • A countdown of time between shots has been added to the gun display; it is displayed on guns with a pause between shots, for example, Dragoon and Halo.
  • The fuel indicator strip has been replaced with a three-segment progress bar. The color shows how much fuel is available.
    • Gray: No fuel
    • Orange: Enough fuel for a jump
    • Green - Enough fuel for everything.
    • Red: The requested action is impossible.
  • All sight reticles have been updated visually.
  • Various Contract descriptions have been updated.
  • Updated visuals and animations in the Garage.


  • Leagues have been disabled to focus on matchmaking and interface improvements. They will return in a future update.
  • Added platform icons for player nicknames - this is a preparation for future crossplay
  • The mouse sensitivity has been recalculated. The default sensitivity is set to 35%, which should be comfortable for most players.
  • A targeting reticle with confirmation of activation has been added to all targeting abilities.
  • Improved work of the friends and squad systems.
  • Added parameters for Pilot Talent descriptions.
  • Added gamepad support for most features. Some new UI features will have limited support.


  • Fixed a bug where the enemy could not deal damage when inside the sphere of the Shield Barrier ability.
  • Fixed a bug where at low FPS, projectiles were drawn only at a great distance from the player.
  • Fixed a bug where the camera could block sight if the Robot's back was approaching an obstacle.
  • Fixed a bug where targeting Abilities, when activated near mountains/high structures, could spawn in the air and have no effect.
  • Fixed a bug where the welcome match counter could show an incorrect number.
  • Fixed a bug where the player might not receive tutorial tips for changing Titan weapons in the Garage.
  • Fixed a bug with Loki's Ability (Trickster), that could cause reduced healing and Impact gains.
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