Redeem code
Sign in or create your War Robots: Frontiers account.
Promo codes are unique codes that can be redeemed on this page in exchange for in-game content in War Robots: Frontiers.
Promo codes may be distributed on official social media channels and newsletters, by official Content Creators and partners, via marketing campaigns, competitions, and various other methods of delivery.
Log in to the War Robots: Frontiers website using the game account that you wish to receive the code’s contents. For example, if you play on PlayStation, sign in using your PlayStation account (and likewise for Steam and Xbox). Enter your code on this page and follow the instructions to redeem it. Simple!
Once redeemed, content from your promo code will be available in-game. It may take up to 24 hours for your content to appear in-game.
In certain cases, your content may have to be transferred in-game via your Inventory.
Yes. Simply log in using your Steam, PlayStation, or Xbox account and follow the instructions on this page to redeem your promo code.
If you don't log in with the correct account, you won't be able to transfer your items to a different one. Double-check your account before you redeem!
Promo codes are generally unique and can only be redeemed once, so make sure you don’t share them!
We may occasionally run special redemption campaigns with promo codes that have multiple uses.
No, promo codes are not for sale and should not be resold. If someone has offered to buy your code or sell you a code, we advise you to ignore them as this may be a scam.
It's possible that your code has expired, or has been entered incorrectly. Double-check the expiry date of the promo code and ensure that you are entering the characters and numerals correctly, with no spaces, errors, or additional symbols.
If you're still encountering issues and believe your code should be valid, contact Support.
It may take up to 24 hours for your content to appear in-game.
If you're still having trouble activating or receiving content from your promo code, contact Support.
Navigate to "Settings" in War Robots, select "Your personal code", then press "Copy". Sign in to the War Robots: Frontiers website and follow the instructions to redeem your code on this page.