
Meet the Corpos Update (0.12): Patch Notes (June 28, 2023)

These are the patch notes for the War Robots: Frontiers build, which will be available following a period of maintenance on June 28, 2023. Update your game to the latest version and start playing in Early Access!

NOTE: The Supply Line you unlock during this update is not the Supply Line listed among your Pioneer Pack rewards! Starting with the Titanium grade, you will receive a Season Pass for free when the game enters Open Beta and Seasons begin.


  • New Titan - Grim: A fast-moving assassin Titan ideal for hunting down individual targets. The built-in weapon on Grim and its set of abilities both favor close-range fights:
    • Snare: Deploy a trapping device that harpoons all enemies in close proximity and starts pulling them in. The enemies can resist the pulling force by moving in the opposite direction, but they will be slowed down. Snare can be deployed on walls as well as on any solid terrain. The tether ropes get destroyed after a short time.
    • Ripper: Begin a whirlwind attack using sharp blades on the Titan’s shoulders. Grim keeps repairing its hull at an increased rate while this ability is active.
    • Lanzette: Blink forward using Grim’s teleportation drive. All enemy Robots caught in the trajectory of the Blink will receive damage. All enemy Robots within a small radius around the endpoint of the Blink will be pushed aside and slowed down.
  • Two new Pilots:
    • Sora "Lioness" Sing: Specializes in explosive weapons and has a wide range of skills that give stat boosts to allies nearby. One of the options on Sora’s skill tree allows you to get as many Honor Points for assisting the kill as for scoring the kill yourself.
    • Idy "Lantern" Demorest: Focuses on fuel management and weapon rate of fire. One of the possible builds allows charging Titan faster.


  • The Supply Line offers a seasonal progression track which unlocks unique rewards, including the latest items added to the game. To access the rewards you need to purchase a Season Pass, play battles, and complete special tasks. You can prioritize certain rewards to get them faster.

IMPORTANT: The Supply Line featured in this update is a part of our Early Access tests. The Season Passes included in Titanium and Platinum Pioneer Packs will be added to your account later with the start of Open Beta.


  • Item upgrades will now require a new currency, Intel, at certain levels. You can get Intel by completing daily and weekly Missions. 
    • By introducing this mechanic, we want to ensure that Hangar power directly correlates with a player’s experience. A player needs to complete a fair number of Missions and get acquainted with the game before they can acquire a maxed-out Hangar.
  • All items (Robot parts, weapons, ability modules) now have 13 upgradable levels instead of 5.
  • Added Daily Deals to the Offers menu.


  • Removed the central beacon. At the start of the match, players deploy at two different spots on opposite sides of the map. As the match progresses, two additional deployment areas become available for each team. These deployment areas are located closer to the center of the map, so the battle becomes more dynamic.
  • Your Titan can be deployed at any deployment area when it is fully charged and when the Robot in current use is destroyed.


  • Updated UI in the Offers menu.
  • Added in-game notifications.
  • Improved reaction for AI bots.


  • Updated visuals on Crash Site and Mont maps.
  • Updated the Hangar scene.


  • Added music in Hangar.
  • Added sounds for Glacial ability on Siren.


  • Fixed Robots stumbling on low-profile obstacles when using Dash.
  • Fixed Singulators (Matriarch) not shooting down enemy projectiles.
  • Fixed weapon icons not showing up on F1 heads-up screen when playing Ares.
  • Fixed Napalm (Harpy) damage figures displaying in the wrong area when using Blink.
  • Fixed kill count HUD in the Elimination mode not adding score.
  • Fixed six-player squads not counting as a full team and bringing two additional players into the match.
  • Fixed Ghost Turret item description displaying incorrect ability duration.
  • Fixed incoming damage direction indicator pointing in the direction of the enemy Robot that deployed the Ghost Turret rather than the Ghost Turret itself.
  • Fixed Ghost Turret not dealing damage to armor.
  • Fixed repair from Healing Drone (Tyr) adding up when multiple drones are deployed.
  • Fixed Orkan ignoring armor and dealing damage directly to the Robot core when hitting a surface close to where the target stands.
  • Fixed Infinite Ammo being available from the start of the match and not having a use limit.
  • Fixed Shield Dome (Varangian) having a use limit and featuring an incorrectly smaller dome size.
  • Fixed Dash propelling the Robot in the direction of its current movement rather than in the direction of the camera/player input.
  • Fixed the issue that allowed passing through the gates in Tutorial without destroying the targets.
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